Head Shots CDMX EN
A day in which more than 200 photographers around the world will do our bit to help people who have lost their jobs due to COVID 19
At Headshots CDMX image packages are not offered for a simple reason: we are interested in your complete satisfaction. Here we specialize in obtaining Headshots that you really like and that will serve you in your professional life. Unlike common portrait photography, in a Headshot we work much more than just taking photos of you. I will guide you and give you the tools you need to be in front of the camera. From preparing your outfit changes, which are unlimited, to working on your facial expressions, you will always go hand in hand with a professional. When we finish obtaining a varied selection of Headshots, we will sit down to choose only the ones you want to take with you. Without ties, or any pressure for you to make your decision. With the cost per session we ensure you the exclusive and pleasant treatment you deserve.
Make your appointment on the available day and time that best suits your needs. There is no time limit per headshot session, so you can try out all the costume styles and backgrounds you like.
Select from the calendar the available time that best suits your needs, so that you can enjoy your headshot session without worries.
In successful businesses, human capital is key. Invest in your image and that of your work team, remember that the first impression can make the difference. Don't miss out on great opportunities!
Headshot Session
Call or video call in preparation for your session. I'll help you choose your outfits, decide what you need in terms of your hair and makeup, and answer all your questions in person. Personalized coaching on your image and expression. Unlimited outfit changes. Without time limit. Immediate review of your photos. Choice of your images at the end of the session. All include retouching and post-production. Private, pleasant and safe environment in the studio. Five star experience.
Dare to pursue the career of your dreams. Nothing is more important as a talent than your image. I will help you find the most interesting expressions and manage your face like a true professional.
In your session you will be able to show the facets of your person that adapt to the role you want to achieve. $400 for each photo selected, plus $4,000 cost per session.
Dare to pursue the career of your dreams. Your image is as important as your talent. I will help you find the most interesting expressions and manage your face like a true professional.
We can travel to the location you require and work individually with the key members of your team. The image of your staff also reflects the reliability and seriousness of your company.
A perfect expression in your headshot can make others charmed by your confidence and authenticity.
Your photo will make them see in you the person who will make them immediately connect with the audience.
During the session you will decide which images you liked the most. I will help you in the process of selecting the best ones, giving you the pleasure of acquiring the photos you want.
I will be your personal image coach during the session. Together we will achieve photogenic expressions that you didn't know you had, I assure you.
Arrive at any audition with the confidence and security that will help you get more and better roles.
Set yourself apart from others with a photo that truly reflects what you can do.
May your image help you close an important deal or obtain the job position you want. When you inspire confidence your career benefits.
Your image is a very valuable tool. Your photo is the first thing that others know about you. Make sure you make the best first impression.
You will receive the number of photos you have chosen at the end of your session. Within an estimated period of one week I will send you the link with which you can download your headshots. Selected photos include retouching.
The cost per session does not include photos; This takes into account the preparation time prior to your session, the work during the session, and the attention provided throughout the entire process at Headshots CDMX. In the session I will coach you to produce your best headshots. At the end you will be able to select and purchase the photos you want.
On the day of the session you can bring any outfit, garment, accessory, etc., with which you want your portraits. Clothing changes are unlimited.
The Headshots CDMX experience begins from the moment you schedule your session and receive my brochure of recommendations, so that you can prepare your questions in the short time in which I will contact you. The photo session takes place in my studio, located south of CDMX. Sessions can also be held at another location; Contact me in the form below to request more information.
During the session I will coach you regarding your expressions and postures; I will also advise you regarding your image. First we will take some test photos for general adjustments. Later we will work on what you are looking for for your Headshots while varying the options in terms of backgrounds and clothing changes. At the end, we will review the best photos so you can select the ones you like the most.
- No Time Limit
- Unlimited Costume Changes
- Multiple Background Options
In successful businesses, human capital is key. Invest in your image and that of your work team, remember that the first impression can make the difference. Don't miss out on great opportunities!
We can travel to the location you require and work individually with the key members of your team. The image of your staff also reflects the reliability and seriousness of your company.
Arrive at any audition with the confidence and security that will help you get more and better roles. Set yourself apart from others with a photo that truly reflects what you can do.
10,000 Headshots is an initiative carried out mainly in the United States, by Headshot Crew and Headshotbooker. We want to help as many professionals as possible affected by this pandemic and to do so we will be giving away mini sessions to update their professional profile photography. We are a group of image professionals committed to obtaining technically impressive photographs for our clients, as well as a powerful component in terms of expression, look and the feeling of security so necessary in both social networks and professional environments. HeadshotsCDMX is the first studio specialized in this type of photography in the country associated with HeadshotCrew and that follows Peter Hurley's method. We will be taking headshots throughout the day, July 22, very close to the Viveros metro, in Mexico City. Reserve your spot now! Your personal portrait session will leave you feeling more confident in your professional image with all the attitude to return to the working world.